Figure 1-1. Diving Equipment Set, Scuba, Diving Support, Type AFigure 1-2. Fill Hose and ManifoldDETECTOR KIT AND TEST TUBESCompressor Interstage SeparationLegend for Figure 1-3Figure 1-3. Air Compressor Unit. Identification of Controls and ComponentsFigure 1-4. Diver Tank Block ManifoldTable 1-2. COMPRESSORTable 1-4. DETECTOR KITTable 2-1. COMPRESSOR OILTable 2-2. DIESEL ENGINE OIL VISCOSITYSection III. PREPARATION FOR STORAGELONG TERM STORAGERESUMPTION OF OPERATION AFTER LONG-TERM STORAGEFigure 2-3. Compressor Unit Center of Gravity Secion II. PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONFigure 3-2. Compressor Lubricating Oil Flow DiagramOPERATIONCOMPRESSOR UNITCOMPRESSOR UNIT - ContinuedFigure 3-3. Diesel Engine Operation DetailsFigure 3-4. Optional Diesel Engine Cold Start Primer SystemDETECTOR KIT.Table 4-1. COMPRESSOR MAINTENANCE SCHEDULETable 4-2. ENGINE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULEPurifier Chamber Cartridge ReplacementChange Crankcase OilCompressor Drive Belt ReplacementCompressor Assembly InspectionSecond Stage Valve ReplacementENGINEFigure 4-2. Engine Oil Bath Air Cleaner AssemblyFigure 4-5. Diesel Engine Crankcase Oil ScreenCheck and Clean Engine Cooling SystemSection IV. TROUBLESHOOTINGTable 4-3. COMPRESSOR TROUBLESHOOTING (con't)Table 4-4. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTINGTable 4-4. ENGINE TROUBLESHOOTING (con't)Section V. REMOVAL OF MAJOR ASSEMBLIESPURIFIER CHAMBERPRESSURE MAINTAINING VALVECOMPRESSORPURIFIER CHAMBERSection IX. REASSEMBLY OF MAJOR ASSEMBLIESCOMPRESSORFigure 4-9. Compressor Second Stage Piston Ring Installation.Figure 4-10. Compressor First Stage Piston Ring Installation.COMPRESSOR - ContinuedPURIFIER CHAMBERAppendix A. DIESEL ENGINE REPAIR MANUAL ILLUSTRATED PARTS LISTTable A-1. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCESection II. TROUBLESHOOTINGSection II. TROUBLESHOOTING - ContinuedFigure A-1. Fuel Tank and LinesFigure A-4. Valve CoverFigure A-8. Cylinder HeadFigure A-12. Removal of Cylinder Head NutsFigure A-18. Oil Filter ScreenFigure A-20. Rod Hex NutsFigure A-25. GovernorFigure A-26. Oil PumpFigure A-30. CrankshaftFigure A-33. Belleville WashersFigure A-37. Installation of Connecting RodFigure A-43. Piston and CylinderFigure A-46. Speed Control LeverFigure A-49. Threaded HoleFigure A-52. Oil Screen AssemblyFigure A-56 High Pressure Fuel LineFigure A-60. Rocker ArmsFigure A-63. Replacing Two BracketsFigure A-65. Fuel Leak-off'and Supply LineFigure A-66. Gravity Feed - Automatic BleedFUEL SYSTEM/GOVERNORFigure A-69. Engine Speed Governing SystemFigure A-70. Speed AdjustmentFigure A-72. Idle Speed AdjustmentFigure A-73. Lubrication System Operation (2 Cylinder Engine)Figure A-74. 15A430/18A430 Lubrication SystemFigure A-75. Lubrication System MaintenanceFigure A-78. Installation of New InsertsTable A-4. TORQUE SPECIFICATIONREPAIR GUIDELINES AND SPECIFICATIONSTable A-8. VALVE TIMINGTable A-10. CYLINDER BORE TOLERANCES (mm)Table. A-11. SEATED VALVE DIMENSIONTable A-12. TORQUE SPECIFICATIONSTable A-13. NEWTON METRES TO POUND INCHES-FORCESTable A-17. MM TO DECIMAL INCHESSUMMARY OF OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS.DESCRIPTION OF THE INSTRUMENT.Figure B-11. Special SpannerACCESSORIES FOR THE MULTI GAS DETECTOR.Appendix C. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN THE MAC, SECTION IIEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS IN TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS, SECTION IIISection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedSECTION III. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR AN/GRC-240SECTION IV. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSECTION IV. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - ContinuedAppendix D. TABLE OF CONTENTSEXPLANATION OF COLUMNS.FARYMANN DIESEL ILLUSTRATED PARTS LISTSection II. PARTS LISTFigure D-1. Diving Equipment Set, Scuba Diving Support, Type APARTS LISTFigure D-2. Air Compressor, Diesel Engine Driven (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure D-2. Air Compressor, Diesel Engine Driven (Sheet 2 of 2)Figure D-2. Air Compressor, Diesel Engine Driven Parts ListFigure D-2. Air Compressor, Diesel Engine Driven Parts List - ContinuedFigure D-4. Compressor crankcase, crankshaft, piston, cylinders and accessories.Figure D-4. Compressor crankcase, crankshaft, piston, cylinders and accessories Parts ListFigure D-4. Compressor crankcase, crankshaft, piston, cylinders and accessories Parts List - ContinuedFigure D-5. First Stage Valve HeadFigure D-5. First Stage Valve Head - ContinuedFigure D-6. Second Stage Valve HeadFigure D-6. Second Stage Valve Head - ContinuedFigure D-7. Third Stage Valve HeadFigure D-7. Third Stage Valve Head - ContinuedFigure D-8. Cooler Coils and FanFigure D-8. Cooler Coils and Fan - ContinuedFigure D-9. Force Feed LubricationFigure D-9. Force Feed Lubrication - ContinuedFigure D-10. Intake Filter Assy.Figure D-10. Intake Filter Assy. - ContinuedFigure D-11. Interstage Separator.Figure D-11. Interstage Separator. - ContinuedFigure D-12. Final SeparatorFigure D-12. Final Separator - ContinuedFigure D-13. PurifierFigure D-13. Purifier - ContinuedFigure D-14. Air ManifoldFigure D-14. Air Manifold - ContinuedFigure D-15. Flywheel, CrankcaseFigure D-15. Flywheel, Crankcase - ContinuedFigure D-16. Cylinder, Piston and Rod AssemblyFigure D-16. Cylinder, Piston and Rod Assembly - ContinuedFigure D-17. Block, Camshaft and Governor AssembliesFigure D-17. Block, Camshaft and Governor Assemblies - ContinuedFigure D-17. Block, Camshaft and Governor Assemblies - ContinuedFigure D-18. Cylinder Head, Muffler, Air CleanerFigure D-18. Cylinder Head, Muffler, Air Cleaner - ContinuedFigure D-18. Cylinder Head, Muffler, Air Cleaner - ContinuedFigure D-19. Fuel Tank, Fuel Lines, Fuel Pump and InjectorFigure D-19. Fuel Tank, Fuel Lines, Fuel Pump and Injector - ContinuedFigure D-19. Fuel Tank, Fuel Lines, Fuel Pump and Injector - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEXPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - ContinuedPART NUMBER INDEX - Continued