CHAPTER 6 Operational Planning
Change A 6-45
(Sheet 4 of 4)
4. Take precautions to prevent divers from being fouled on bottom. If work is conducted
inside a wreck or other structure, assign a team of divers to accomplish task. One diver
enters wreck, the other tends his lines from point of entry.
5. When using explosives, take measures to ensure that no charge shall be fired while
divers are in water.
6. Use safety procedures as outlined in relevant Naval publications for all U/W cutting and
welding operations.
7. Brief all divers and deck personnel on the planned decompression schedules for each
particular dive. Check provisions for decompressing the diver.
8. Verify that ship, boat, or diving craft is displaying proper signals, flags, day shapes, or
lights to indicate diving operations are in progress. (Consult publications governing Inter-
national or Inland Rules, International/Inland local signals, and Navy communications
9. Ensure that protection against harmful marine life has been provided. (See Appendix 5C.)
10.Check that the quality of divers air supply is periodically and thoroughly tested to ensure
11.Thoroughly brief boat crew.
12.Verify that proper safety and operational equipment is aboard small diving boats or craft.
Notify Proper Parties that Dive Operations Are Ready to Commence:
1. Diving Officer
2. Commanding Officer
3. Area Commander
4. Officer of the Deck/Day
5. Command Duty Officer or Commanding Officer of ships alongside
6. Bridge, to ensure that ships personnel shall not:
turn the propeller or thrusters
get underway
activate active sonar or other electronics
drop heavy items overboard
shift the moor
7. Ship Duty Officer, to ensure that ships personnel shall not:
activate sea discharges or suctions
operate bow or stern-planes or rudder
operate vents or torpedo shutters
turn propellers
8. Other Interested Parties and Commands:
Harbor Master/Port Services Officer
Command Duty Officers
Officers in tactical command
Cognizant Navy organizations
U.S. Coast Guard (if broadcast warning to civilians is required)
9. Notify facilities having recompression chambers and sources of emergency transportation
that diving operations are underway and their assistance may be needed.
Figure 6-19d. Diving Safety and Planning Checklist (sheet 4 of 4).