6-50 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 2
(Sheet 3 of 3)
I. Diving Hoses:
__ 1.
Ensure all hoses have a clear lead and are protected from excessive heating and damage.
__ 2.
Check hose in accordance with PMS.
__ 3.
Ensure that the hose (or any length) has not been used in a burst test program. No hose
length involved in such a program shall be part of an operational diving hose.
__ 4.
Check that hoses are free of moisture, packing material, or chalk.
__ 5.
Soap test hose connections after connection to air supply and pressurization.
__ 6.
Ensure umbilical boots are in good condition.
J. Test Equipment with Activated Air Supply in accordance with approved OPs.
__ 1.
Hook up all air hoses to helmets, masks and chamber; make connections between back-up
supply and primary supply manifold.
__ 2.
Verify flow to helmets and masks.
__ 3.
Check all exhaust and non-return valves.
__ 4.
Hook up and test all communications.
__ 5.
Check air flow from both primary and back-up supplies to chamber.
K. Recompression Chamber Checkout (Predive only):
__ 1.
Check that chamber is completely free and clear of all combustible materials.
__ 2.
Check primary and back-up air supply to chamber and all pressure gauges.
__ 3.
Check that chamber is free of all odors or other contaminants.
__ 4.
Hook up and test all communications.
__ 5.
Check air flow from both primary and back-up supplies to chamber.
Final Preparations:
__ 1.
Verify that all necessary records, logs, and timesheets are on the diving station.
__ 2.
Check that appropriate decompression tables are readily at hand.
__ 3.
Place the dressing bench in position, reasonably close to the diving ladder or stage, to
minimize diver travel.
Figure 6-21c. Surface-Supplied Diving Operations Predive Checklist (sheet 3 of 3).