6-44 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 2
(Sheet 3 of 4)
7. Ensure that all divers have removed anything from their mouths on which they might
choke during a dive (gum, dentures, tobacco).
8. Thoroughly drill all personnel in Emergency Procedures, with particular attention to cross-
training; drills should include:
Emergency recompression
Rapid undressing
First aid
Rapid dressing
Restoration of breathing
Electric shock
Lost diver
Complete Planning, Organization, and Coordination Activities:
1. Ensure that other means of accomplishing mission have been considered before deciding
to use divers.
2. Ensure that contingency planning has been conducted.
3. Carefully state goals and tasks of each mission and develop a flexible plan of operations
(Dive Plan).
4. Completely brief the diving team and support personnel (paragraph 6-12).
5. Designate a Master Diver or properly qualified Diving Supervisor to be in charge of the
6. Designate a recorder/timekeeper and verify that he understands his duties and responsi-
7. Determine the exact depth at the job-site through the use of a lead line, pneumofathome-
ter, or commercial depth sounder.
8. Verify existence of an adequate supply of compressed air available for all planned diving
operations plus an adequate reserve for emergencies.
9. Ensure that no operations or actions on part of diving team, support personnel, techni-
cians, boat crew, winch operators, etc., take place without the knowledge of and by the
direct command of the Diving Supervisor.
10.All efforts must be made through planning, briefing, training, organization, and other prep-
arations to minimize bottom time. Water depth and the condition of the diver (especially
fatigue), rather than the amount of work to be done, shall govern divers bottom time.
11.Current decompression tables shall be on hand and shall be used in all planning and
scheduling of diving operations.
12.Instruct all divers and support personnel not to cut any lines until approved by the Diving
13.Ensure that ship, boat, or diving craft is securely moored and in position to permit safest
and most efficient operations (exceptions are emergency and critical ship repairs).
14.Verify that, when using surface-supplied techniques, the ship, boat, or diving craft has at
least a two-point moor.
15.Ensure that, when conducting SCUBA operations in hazardous conditions, a boat can be
quickly cast off and moved to a diver in distress.
Perform Diving Safety Procedures, Establish Safety Measures:
1. Ensure that each diver checks his own equipment in addition to checks made by tenders,
technicians or other support personnel.
2. Designate a standby diver for all diving operations; standby diver shall be dressed to the
necessary level and ready to enter the water if needed.
3. Assign buddy divers, when required, for all scuba operations.
Figure 6-19c. Diving Safety and Planning Checklist (sheet 3 of 4).