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U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 2
Postdive Tasks. A diving operation is completed when the objective has been
met, the diving team demobilized, and records and reports are filed. Time shall be
allocated for:
Recovering, cleaning, inspecting, maintaining, repairing, and stowing all
Disposing materials brought up during the operation
Debriefing divers and other team members
Analyzing the operation, as planned and as actually carried out
Restocking expended materials
Ensuring the readiness of the team to respond to the next assignment
Establish Mission Objective. The Master Diver or the Diving Supervisor shall
brief the team on the overall mission and the aspects of the operation necessary to
safely achieve the objective. Major points of discussion include:
Clear, brief statement of the mission objective
Dominant factors that may determine mission outcome (i.e., environment,
enemy/friendly actions, and hazards)
All tasks required to accomplish the mission
Time factors that may prevail
Any changes or augmentations of the dive plan
Prior to starting a dive mission or dive day, coordination with other commands
and/or shipboard departments shall be accomplished.
Identify Tasks and Procedures. A briefing may be elaborate or simple. For
complex operations, briefing with charts, slides, and diagrams may be required.
For most operations, the briefing need not be complex and may be an informal
meeting. The briefing shall present a breakdown of the dive objective, primary
tasks, diving procedures, and related work procedures for the mission or dive day.
Prompt debriefing of divers returning to the surface provides the Diving Super-
visor with information that may influence or alter the next phase of the operation.
Divers should be questioned about the progress of the work, bottom conditions
and anticipated problems. They should also be asked for suggestions for imme-
diate changes.
Review Diving Procedures. Diving and work procedures to be used for the task
at hand shall be reviewed during the briefing. The Diving Safety and Planning