CHAPTER 6 Operational Planning
Change A 6-43
(Sheet 2 of 4)
Diving Personnel:
1. Assign a complete and properly qualified Diving Team.
2. Assign the right man to the right task.
3. Verify that each member of the Diving Team is properly trained and qualified for the
equipment and depths involved.
4. Determine that each man is physically fit to dive, paying attention to:
__general condition and any evidence of fatigue
__record of last medical exam
__ears and sinuses
__severe cold or flu
__use of stimulants or intoxicants
5. Observe divers for emotional readiness to dive:
__motivation and professional attitude
__stability (no noticeably unusual or erratic behavior)
Diving Equipment:
1. Verify that diving gear chosen and diving techniques are adequate and authorized for
mission and particular task.
2. Verify that equipment and diving technique are proper for depth involved.
3. Verify that life support equipment has been tested & approved for U.S. Navy use.
4. Determine that all necessary support equipment and tools are readily available and are
best for accomplishing job efficiently and safely.
5. Determine that all related support equipment such as winches, boats, cranes, floats, etc.
are operable, safe and under control of trained personnel.
6. Check that all diving equipment has been properly maintained (with appropriate records)
and is in full operating condition.
Provide for Emergency Equipment:
1. Obtain suitable communications equipment with sufficient capability to reach outside help;
check all communications for proper operation.
2. Verify that a recompression chamber is ready for use, or notify the nearest command with
one that its use may be required within a given timeframe.
3. Verify that a completely stocked first aid kit is at hand.
4. If oxygen will be used as standby first aid, verify that the tank is full and properly
pressurized, and that masks, valves, and other accessories are fully operable.
5. If a resuscitator will be used, check apparatus for function.
6. Check that fire-fighting equipment is readily available and in full operating condition.
7. Verify that emergency transportation is either standing by or on immediate call.
Establish Emergency Procedures:
1. Know how to obtain medical assistance immediately.
2. For each potential emergency situation, assign specific tasks to the diving team and
support personnel.
3. Complete and post Emergency Assistance Checklist; ensure that all personnel are
familiar with it.
4. Verify that an up-to-date copy of U.S. Navy Decompression Tables is available.
5. Ensure that all divers, boat crews and other support personnel understand all diver hand
6. Predetermine distress signals and call-signs.
Figure 6-19b. Diving Safety and Planning Checklist (sheet 2 of 4).