CHAPTER 8 Surface-Supplied Air Diving Operations
Change A 8-13
and Hyperbaric System Safety Certification Manual, NAVSEA SS521-AA-MAN-
010. The major components/subsystems mounted within the cart body are:
Diving control station. A single operator controls and monitors the air supply
and operates the communication system.
Power distribution system. External power for communications and control
station lighting.
Intercommunication system (AC/DC). Provides communications between
divers and the diving control station.
Air supply system. Primary air source of two 6 cu ft, 3,000 psi air flasks; sec-
ondary air source of a single 1.52 cu ft, 3,000 psi air flask; and a scuba
charging station.
Detailed information and operating instructions are covered in Operations and
Maintenance Instructions for Ready Operational Pierside Emergency Repair
(ROPER) Diving Cart, SS500-AS-MMA-010.
Flyaway Dive System (FADS) I. The FADS I is an air transportable, 0190 fsw
system that can be delivered to a suitable diving platform quickly. The system
consists of a filter control console (FCC) intended for use with the medium-pres-
sure flyaway air compressors and/or conventional air supplies. In its present
configuration, the system can service up to four divers depending on the diving
equipment in use. MK 21 MOD 1 and MK 20 equipment may be employed with
the FADS I. See Figure 8-8.
Operational instructions for FADS I and II are covered in Fly Away Diving System
Filter/Console Operation and Maintenance Instructions, S9592-AD-MMM.FLTR
CONT CSL; Fly Away Diving System Compressor Model 5120 Operation and
Maintenance Instructions, S9592-AE-MMM-010/MOD 5120; and Fly Away
Diving System Diesel Driven Compressor Unit Ex 32 Mod 0, PN 5020559, Opera-
tion and Maintenance Instructions, S9592-AC-MMM-010/Detroit DSL 3-53.
Flyaway Dive System (FADS) II. The FADS II is a self-supported, air transport-
able, 0190 fsw air diving system, designed and packaged for rapid deployment
worldwide to a vessel of opportunity (see Figure 8-9). Primarily intended for use
in salvage or inspection and emergency ship repairs, the systems main compo-
nents are:
Diving outfit. Four demand helmet (MK 21 MOD 1) assemblies with umbili-
cals, communication system, tool kit, and repair parts kit.
Two medium-pressure air compressors (MPAC). Diesel-driven QUINCY 250
psi, 87 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm), skid mounted.
High pressure air compressor (HPAC). Diesel-driven INGERSOLL RAND
10T2, 3,000 psi, 15 scfm, skid-mounted.