CHAPTER 8 Surface-Supplied Air Diving Operations
Change A 8-17
To meet these standards, specially designed compressors must be used with the air
supplied passed through a highly efficient filtration system. The compressed air
found in a shipboard service system usually contains excessive amounts of oil and
is not suitable for diving unless filtered. Air taken from any machinery space, or
downwind from the exhaust of an engine or boiler, must be considered to be
contaminated. For this reason, care must be exercised in the placement and opera-
tion of diving air compressors to avoid such conditions. Intake piping or ducting
must be provided to bring uncontaminated air to the compressor. The outboard end
of this piping must be positioned to eliminate sources of contamination. To ensure
that the source of divers breathing air satisfactorily meets the standards estab-
lished above, it must be checked at intervals not to exceed 8 months, in accordance
with the PMS.
Air Supply Flow Requirements. The required flow from an air supply depends
upon the type of diving apparatus being used. The open-circuit air supply system
must have a flow capacity (in acfm) that provides sufficient ventilation at depth to
maintain acceptable carbon dioxide levels in the mask or helmet. Carbon dioxide
levels must be kept within safe limits during normal work, heavy work, and
If demand breathing equipment is used, such as the MK 21 MOD 1 or the MK 20
MOD 0, the supply system must meet the divers flow requirements. The flow
requirements for respiration in a demand system are based upon the average rate
of air flow demanded by the divers under normal working conditions. The
maximum instantaneous (peak) rate of flow under severe work conditions is not a
continuous requirement, but rather the highest rate of airflow attained during the
inhalation part of the breathing cycle. The divers requirement varies with the
respiratory demands of the divers work level.
Supply Pressure Requirements. In order to supply the diver with an adequate
flow of air, the air source must deliver air at sufficient pressure to overcome the
bottom seawater pressure and the pressure drop that is introduced as the air flows
through the hoses and valves of the system. Table 8-2 shows the values for air
consumption and minimum over-bottom pressures required for each of the
surface-supplied air diving systems.
Table 8-2. Primary Air System Requirements.
Air Consumption
Minimum Manifold Pressure (MMP)
Average Over Period of Dive
MK 21 MOD 1
(Depth in fsw 0.445) + 90 to 165 psi,
depending on the depth of the dive
1.4 (Note 1)
MK 20 MOD 0
(Depth in fsw 0.445) + 90 psi
Note 1: The manifold supply pressure requirement is 90 psig over-bottom pressure for depths to 60 fsw,
and 135 psig over-bottom pressure for depths from 61-130 fsw. For dives from 131-190 fsw,
165 psig over-bottom pressure shall be used.