8-10 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 2
minute (scfm) with secondary air being supplied by one air-rack assembly. Total
available secondary air is 594 scf. See Figure 8-3.
MK 3 MOD 0 Configuration 2. Primary air is supplied to the divers using three
flask rack assemblies. Secondary air is supplied by one flask rack assembly. Total
available primary air is 1782 scf at 3,000 psi. Total available secondary air is 594
scf. See Figure 8-4.
MK 3 MOD 0 Configuration 3. Primary air is supplied to the divers using three
flask rack assemblies. Secondary air is supplied by two flask rack assemblies.
Total available primary air is 1,782 scf. Total available secondary air is 1,188 scf.
See Figure 8-5.
MK 3 MOD 1 Lightweight Dive System. This system is identical to the MK 3
MOD 0 LWDS except that the control console and volume tank have been modi-
fied to support 5,000 psi operations for use with the Flyaway Dive System (FADS)
III. With appropriate adapters the system can still be used to support normal
LWDS operations. See Figure 8-6.
ROPER Diving Cart. The ROPER diving cart is a trailer-mounted diving system,
designed to support one working and one standby diver in underwater operational
tasks performed by Ship Repair Activities to 60 fsw (Figure 8-7). The system is
self-contained, transportable, and certifiable in accordance with U.S. Navy Diving
Figure 8-3. MK 3 MOD 0 Configuration 1.