TM 5-4220-226-14&P
3-2. Maintenance and Reentry Control Procedures - continued.
Instructions for completing the reentry control log (figure 3-2) are as follows:
SYSTEM: Enter system acronym.
UIC: Unit Identification Code.
PAGE NR: Enter sequential log page number, beginning with 01.
REC NR: Reentry Control Number; a sequential three digit number assigned to track
entries from the REC Reports beginning with 001.
SUB-ASSEMBLY: The portion of the system being worked on transcribed from REC
S/N: Serial Number of the subassembly.
COMPONENT: The part of the subassembly that will be fixed (i.e., gage isolation
valve, etc.).
P/N: Part Number of the component.
JULIAN DATE: Julian date.
ACTION TAKEN: Enter replace, repair, etc., from REC Report.
MAINT LEVEL: Enter maintenance level from REC Report.
WORK TIME: Enter time required to complete task from the REC Report.
REMARKS: Enter pertinent remarks, cleaning data, etc., in this block.
The reentry control report will be completed for all maintenance actions conducted on the
helmet. A record of the maintenance procedures must be maintained for the life of the system. This
requirement is in addition to other maintenance documentation required through TAMMS or unit requirements.