TM 5-4220-226-14&P
2-9. In-Water Checkout Procedures - continued.
Table 2-5. In-Water Checkout Procedures - CONT
3. Adjust straps.
Adjust harness straps for snug and comfortable fit in water.
4. Buoyancy check.
Check for correct buoyancy.
5. Thermal protection suit check.
Check thermal protection suit.
2-10. In-Water Operations.
The diving mission will be conducted at the work site according to the guidelines of the dive plan, and as
directed by the diving supervisor.
2-11. Postdive Procedures.
Upon mission completion, the diver will exit the water, doff equipment, and perform the postdive procedures
and maintenance listed in table 2-6.
Table 2-6. Postdive Procedures
1. Doff helmet.
Upon completion of dive, the diver exits the water and removes the
helmet as follows:
a. Swing the neck clamp lever wide open pushing the neck dam down
at the end of the opening swing. Then push back so the rear hinge
tab on the yoke system falls clear of the alignment sleeve.