TM 3-4240-212-14&P
with a screwdriver.
Plunger Valve Assembly
(2) Separate breathing bag tubes from plunger
a. Removal
valve and inhalation elbow.
(3) Remove screws (19) and nuts (16) that fasten
attaches breathing bag to plunger valve (10), by lifting
breathing-bag tabs to guard and backplate assembly (13).
latch on clamp with screwdriver.
b. Installation
(2) Unwrap tape from breathing bag inlet tub .
(1) Arrange breathing bag (1) on guard and
(3) Separate breathing bag from plunger valve.
(4) Remove screws (3) fastening timer and
(2) Moisten inner surface of inlet and outlet tubes
bracket assembly to plunger valve.
with water. Do not use oil.
(5) Remove screws (11) that attach elbow
(3) Slide hose clamps on breathing bag inlet and
support bracket
outlet tubes
(6) Remove screws (3) that fasten plunger valve
(4) Slide breathing bag inlet tube onto plunger
to its three bracket supports on guard and backplate
valve outlet as far as it will go
(5) Wrap end of breathing bag inlet tube with one
b. Installation.
layer of adhesive tape.
(1) Place plunger valve assembly between
(6) Place hose clamp over adhesive tape and
supports on guard and backplate assembly as shown in
tighten clamp
(7) Slide breathing bag outlet tube onto inhalation
(2) Fasten plunger valve to its three bracket
elbow as far as it will go.
supports with screws (3).
(8) Wrap end of breathing bag outlet tube with
(3) Install elbow support bracket.
one layer of adhesive tape (MSS 8135-6).
(4) Place timer and bracket assembly on plunger
(9) Place hose clamp over adhesive tape and
tighten clamp.
(5) Fasten bracket to valve assembly with screws
Fasten breathing bag tabs to guard and
backplate assembly with screws (19) and nuts (16)
(6) Moisten inner surface of breathing bag inlet
tube with water. Do not use oil.
Inhalation Elbow and Support Bracket
(7) Slide hose clamp on breathing bag inlet tube.
a Removal
(8) Slide breathing bag inlet tube onto plunger
(9) Wrap end of breathing bag inlet tube with one
attaches breathing bag outlet to inhalation elbow (6), by
layer of adhesive tape (MSS 8135-6).
lifting latch on clamp with screwdriver.
Place hose clamp over adhesive tape and
(2) Unwrap tape protecting breathing bag outlet
tighten clamp
(3) Separate breathing bag from inhalation
Bail Assembly
a. Removal.
(4) Remove screws (5) attaching elbow to
(1) Remove nuts (15, fig. B-2) attaching bail
support bracket (4).
assembly (14) to guard and backplate assembly (13).
(5) If necessary to replace support bracket,
(2) Spread ends of bail to clear studs and
remove screws (11) and nuts (12).
remove bail.
b. Installation.
b. Installation.
(1) If elbow support bracket was removed, fasten
(1) Spread ends of bail to insert studs on canister
it in place with screws (11) and nuts (12)
guard into holes on bail.
(2) Install elbow on support bracket by using
(2) Install nuts (15) on studs.
screws (5).
Guard and Backplate Assembly
(3) Moisten inner surface of breathing bag o tlet
a. Removal.
tube with water Do not use oil.
(4) Slide hose clamp on breathing bag outlet tube
(5) Slide breathing bag outlet tube onto inhalation
(6) Wrap end of breathing bag outlet tube with
one layer of adhesive tape (MSS 8135-6).
(7) Place hose clamp over adhesive tape and
tighten clamp.