TM 3-4240-212-14&P
this chemical is highly unlikely during normal
a. During operation, release excess pressure that
use of the canister; however, used canisters
may build up in breathing bag and facepiece by
must be handled as hazardous waste to avoid
depressing stem of pressure relief valve (fig. 2-4). Do
the possibility of future environmental health
not allow the breathing bag to partially collapse by
releasing too much air.
DO NOT throw away used canisters as ordinary
Return to fresh air immediately after the timer
Remove the facepiece or change
canisters in fresh air only.
DO turn in used canisters to your hazardous
The timer works independently of the
waste management office or Defense
functioning of the apparatus or the breathing
rate of the wearer. Each user must learn from
personal experience the indications and feeling
Disposal of hazardous waste is restricted by the Resource
when a canister is no longer capable of
Conservation and Recovery Act as amended (42 U.S C.A.
generating oxygen.
sec 6901 et seq). Violation of these laws is subject to
b. Be alert for malfunctions and ringing of timer.
severe criminal penalties.
Depletion of canister is indicated by an increase in
resistance to breathing or lens fogging, as well as by the
(1) Turn in the used canister to your hazardous waste
timer alarm.
management office or DRMO for proper disposal.
c. Move to fresh air after mission is completed,
(2) Notify either office that proper disposal instructions
when a malfunction occurs, or when the timer rings.
are contained in the canister's Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) which is available through the Hazardous
Stopping Operation
Materials Information System.
a. If clothing or apparatus has become contaminated
(3) Provide the following information about the canister to
either office m order to help it obtain the proper MSDS.
and facepiece. A shower can be taken while wearing
o The Federal Supply Class (FSC) is 4240.
protective clothing and apparatus.
o The National Items Identification Number (NIIN) is
b. Remove hood and facepiece. If wet, do not allow
water to enter breathing tubes.
o The Commercial and Government Entity Code
c. Lift facepiece up and over the head; let it drop
(CAGEC) is 40912.
back over the shoulders suspended by breathing tubes.
o The Part Number is 92908
d. Unhook chest straps and remove apparatus from
o The trade name is Chemox Canister (Breathing
e. Wipe apparatus to remove moisture.
(4) In the very unlikely possibility that chemicals are
spilled from the canister, notify your hazardous waste
management office immediately for proper disposal. Do
Removing and Disposing of Canister
not come in direct contact with the chemicals
a. Removing Canister.
After Operating
The canister may be hot after use. Wear gloves
a. Unsnap breathing tube straps. Remove breathing
to protect the hands.
tubes and refasten strap around harness shoulder straps
(1) Lay the apparatus on a bench or table with
b. Uncouple breathing tubes from backplate
the backplate and pad down.
(2) Turn handwheel on bail counterclockwise until
c. Clean inside of facepiece with soap and water
pressure plate clears canister guard.
Keep liquid from flowing into the mask assembly
(3) Swing bail outward and tilt the top of the
d. Allow apparatus to dry
apparatus upward to allow canister to slide from guard.
e. Replace faceform into cavity of facepiece, return
(4) If canister sticks in guard, jar apparatus to
breathing apparatus to the carrying case See figure 2-5
free canister or pry canister from guard.
for proper storage.
b. Disposing of Canister
f. Report any damage or defects discovered during
operation to organizational maintenance personnel.
Canisters contain Potassium Superoxide which
is a chemical that is extremely corrosive to all
body tissues with direct contact. Exposure to
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