22-26 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 5
Permit no one to carry smoking materials, matches, lighters or any flammable
materials into a chamber. A WARNING sign should be posted outside the
chamber. Example:
Fire Extinguishing. All recompression chambers must have a means of extin-
guishing a fire in the interior. Examples of fire protection include wetted towels, a
bucket of water, fire extinguisher, hand-held hose system, or suppression/deludge
system. Refer to U.S. Navy Diving and Hyperbaric Systems Safety Certification
Manual (SS521-AA-MAN-010) for specific requirements of fire protection
systems. Only fire extinguishers listed on the NAVSEA Authorized for Navy Use
(ANU) are to be used.
All U.S. Navy diver candidates shall be physically qualified in accordance with
the Manual of the Medical Department, Art. 15-66. Candidates shall also pass a
pressure test before they are eligible for diver training. This test may be conducted
at any Navy certified recompression chamber, provided it is administered by qual-
ified chamber personnel.
Candidate Requirements. The candidate must demonstrate the ability to equalize
pressure in both ears to a depth of 60 fsw. The candidate shall have also passed the
screening physical readiness test in accordance with MILPERSMAN 1410380,
Exhibit 5.
Candidates shall undergo a diving physical examination by a Navy Medical
Officer in accordance with the Manual of the Medical Department, Art. 15-66,
and be qualified to undergo the test.
The candidates and the tender enter the recompression chamber and are
pressurized to 60 fsw on air, at a rate of 75 fpm or less as tolerated by the
If a candidate cannot complete the descent, the chamber is stopped and the
candidate is placed in the outer lock for return to the surface.
Stay at 60 fsw for at least 10 minutes.
Ascend to the surface following standard air decompression procedures.
All candidates shall remain at the immediate chamber site for a minimum of
15 minutes and at the test facility for 1 hour. Candidates or tenders who must
Fire/Explosion Hazard. No matches, lighters, electrical appliances,
or flammable materials permitted in chamber.