CHAPTER 22 Recompression Chamber Operation
Change A 22-19
loss becomes a hazard to the divers in the chamber. If high sound levels do
occur, especially during exceptionally high ventilation rates, the chamber
occupants must wear aural protectors (available as a stock item). A small hole
should be drilled into the central cavity of the protector so that they do not pro-
duce a seal which can cause ear squeeze.
The size of the chamber does not influence the rate (acfm) of air required for
Increasing depth increases the actual mass of air required for ventilation; but
when the amount of air is expressed in volumes as measured at chamber pres-
sure, increasing depth does not change the number of actual cubic feet (acfm)
If high-pressure air banks are being used for the chamber supply, pressure
changes in the cylinders can be used to check the amount of ventilation being
Postdive Checklist. To ensure equipment receives proper postdive maintenance
and is returned to operational readiness, perform the equipment checks listed in
the Recompression Chamber Postdive Checklist, Figure 22-12a.
Scheduled Maintenance. Proper care of a recompression chamber requires both
routine and periodic maintenance. Every USN recompression chamber (with the
exception of the TRCS) shall be pressure tested upon installation, at 2-year inter-
vals thereafter, after a major overhaul or repair, and each time it is moved. This
test shall be conducted in accordance with the pressure test for USN recompres-
sion chambers (Figure 22-13a) contained in this chapter. The completed test form
shall be retained until retest is conducted. Chamber relief valves shall be tested in
accordance with the Planned Maintenance System to verify setting. Each tested
relief valve shall be tagged to indicate the valve set pressure, date of test, and
testing activity. After every use or once a month, whichever comes first, the
chamber shall receive routine maintenance in accordance with the Postdive
Checklist. At this time, minor repairs shall be made and used supplies shall be
Inspections. At the discretion of the activity, but at least once a year, the chamber
shall be inspected, both inside and outside. Any deposits of grease, dust, or other
dirt shall be removed and, on steel chambers, the affected areas repainted.
Corrosion. Corrosion is removed best by hand or by using a scraper, being careful
not to gouge or otherwise damage the base metal. The corroded area and a small
area around it should then be cleaned to remove any remaining paint and/or