CHAPTER 21 Recompression Therapy
Change A 21-33
Table 21-7. Primary Emergency Kit.
Diagnostic Equipment
Otoscope (Ophthalmoscope)
Sphygmomanometer (Aneroid type only, case vented for hyperbaric use)
Reflex hammer
Tuning Fork (256 cps)
Sterile safety pins or swab sticks which can be broken for sensory testing
Tongue depressors
Thermometer (non-mercury type, high and low reading preferably)
Emergency Treatment Equipment and Medications
Oropharyngeal airways (#4 and #5 Geudel)
Self-Inflating Clear Bag-Mask ventilator with medium adult mask
NOTE: Some of these units do not have sufficient bag volume to provide
adequate ventilation. Use a Laerdal Resusci Folding Bag II (Adult) or
Suction apparatus
Nonflexible plastic suction tips (Yankauer Suction Tip)
Large-bore needle and catheter (12 or 14 gauge) for cricothyrotomy or relief of
tension pneumothorax
Chest tube
Small Penrose drain, Heimlich valve, or other device to provide one-way flow of
gas out of the chest
Christmas tree adapter (to connect one-way valve to chest tube)
Adhesive tape (2-inch waterproof)
Elastic-Wrap bandage for a tourniquet (2- and 4-inch)
Bandage Scissors
#11 knife blade and handle
Curved Kelly forceps
10% povidone-iodine swabs or wipes
1% lidocaine solution
#21 ga. 1½-inch needles on 5 cc syringes
20 cc syringe
NOTE: One Primary Emergency Kit is required per chamber system (i.e., TRCS
requires one).