21-28 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 5
Contact NEDU for guidance on tender oxygen administration for other treatment
Tenders on Tables 5, 6, 6A, 1A, 2A, or 3 should have a minimum of a 12-hour
surface interval before no-decompression diving and a minimum of a 24-hour
surface interval before dives requiring decompression stops. Tenders on Tables 4,
7, and 8 should have a minimum of a 48-hour surface interval prior to diving.
Post-Treatment Observation Period. After a treatment, patients treated on a
Treatment Table 5 should remain at the recompression chamber facility for 2
hours. Patients who have been treated for Type II decompression sickness or who
required a Treatment Table 6 for Type I symptoms and have had complete relief
should remain at the recompression chamber facility for 6 hours. These times may
be shortened upon the recommendation of a Diving Medical Officer, provided the
patient will be with personnel who are experienced at recognizing recurrence of
symptoms and can return to the recompression facility within 30 minutes. All
patients should remain within 60 minutes of a recompression facility for 24 hours
and should not be left alone during that period.
Post-Treatment Transfer. Patients with residual symptoms should be transferred
to appropriate medical facilities as directed by qualified medical personnel. If
ambulatory patients are sent home, they should always be accompanied by
someone familiar with their condition who can return them to the recompression
facility should the need arise. Patients completing treatment do not have to remain
in the vicinity of the chamber if the Diving Medical Officer feels that transferring
them to a medical facility immediately is in their best interest.
Table 21-6. Tender Oxygen Breathing Requirements.1
Treatment Table (TT)
Surface to 2499 ft.
2500 ft. 7499 ft.
7500 ft. 10,000 ft.
without extension
with extension @ 30 fsw
up to one extension @ 60 fsw or 30 fsw
more than one extension
up to one extension @ 60 fsw or 30 fsw
more than one extension
Note 1
All tender O2 breathing times in table are conducted at 30 fsw. In addition, tenders will breathe O2 on ascent from 30 fsw to
the surface.
Note 2
If the tender had a previous hyperbaric exposure within 12 hours, use the following guidance for administering O2:
For TT5, add an additional 20 minute O2 breathing period to the times in the table.
For TT6 or TT6A, add an additional 60 minute O2 breathing period to the times in the table.
Note 3
In some instances, tenders oxygen breathing obligation exceeds the table stay time at 30 fsw. Extend the time at 30 fsw to
meet these obligations if patients condition permits. Otherwise, adminster O2 to the tender to the limit allowed by the
treatment table and observe the tender on the surface for 1 hour for symptoms of DCS.