14-8 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 3
If the delay time to arrival at the first stop is 3 minutes and 25 seconds, round up to
the next whole minute and add 4 minutes to the bottom time. Recheck the decom-
pression table to see if the decompression stop depths or times have changed.
Delays in Leaving a Stop or Arrival at the Next Stop.
Delays Deeper than 90 fsw.
1. Delays less than 1 minute may be ignored.
2. Greater than 1 minute. Add the delay to the bottom time and recalculate the
required decompression. If a new schedule is required, pick up the new
schedule at the present stop or subsequent stop if the delay occurs between
stops. Ignore any missed stops or time deeper than the depth at which the
delay occurred. If a delay occurs between stops, restart subsequent stop time
at completion of the delay.
Delays 90 fsw and shallower:
1. Delays less than 1 minute may be ignored.
2. Delays greater than 1 minute require no special action except as described
below under special considerations when decompressing with high oxygen
partial pressure. Resume the normal decompression schedule at the comple-
tion of the delay. If a delay occurs between stops, restart subsequent stop
time at completion of the delay.
Special considerations when decompressing with high oxygen partial
1. Delays greater than 5 minutes between 90 and 70 fsw. Shift the diver to air
to avoid the risk of CNS oxygen toxicity. At the completion of the delay,
return the diver to 50% helium 50% oxygen. Add the time on air to the bot-
tom time and recalculate the required decompression. If a new schedule is
required, pick up the new schedule at the present stop or subsequent stop if
delay occurs between stops. Ignore any missed stops or time deeper than the
depth at which the delay occurred.
2. Delays leaving the 30 fsw stop. Delays greater than 1 minute leaving your
30 fsw stop shall be subtracted from your 20 fsw stop time.
Delays in Travel from 40 fsw to the Surface for Surface Decompression. Disre-
gard any delays in travel from 40 fsw to the surface during surface decompression
unless the diver exceeds the 5-minute surface interval. If the diver exceeds the 5-
minute surface interval, treat the diver for omitted decompression (see paragraph