14-6 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 3
required, shift the console to air for 5 minutes then back to 100% oxygen. Ventila-
tion of the divers is not required. If the final oxygen breathing period is 35 minutes
or less, the final air break is not required.
Divers follow in-water decompression on a 220 fsw for 20 minute decompres-
sion schedule as outlined in Table 14-3.
Upon leaving the 40 fsw water stop, the divers start their 23 minute 30 fsw
water stop time.
Upon reaching the 30 fsw water stop, the divers are shifted to 100% oxygen
and ventilated.
At 23 minutes, calculated from the time the divers left their 40 fsw water stop,
the divers travel to 20 fsw to complete their 41 minute 20 fsw water stop.
Seven minutes from the time the divers left their 30 fsw water stop, the con-
sole is shifted to air. This is due to completing a total of 30 minutes from
leaving the 40 fsw stop. No ventilation is required.
After five minutes on air, the console is shifted back to oxygen. No ventilation
is required.
Since the remaining oxygen time is less than 35 minutes, the divers breathe
oxygen for the last 34 minutes prior to ascent to the surface. Divers remain on
oxygen for ascent.
Ascent from the 20 fsw Water Stop. For normal in-water decompression, the
diver surfaces from 20 fsw on oxygen. Ascent rate is 30 fsw/min.
Surface Decompression Procedures (SUR D). Surface decompression proce-
dures are preferred over in-water decompression procedures for routine
operations. SUR D procedures improve the diver's comfort and safety. A diver is
eligible for surface decompression when he has completed the 40 fsw water stop.
To initiate surface decompression:
Bring the diver to the surface at 40 fsw/min and undress him.
Place the diver in the recompression chamber. Use of an inside tender when
two divers undergo surface decompression is at the discretion of the dive
supervisor. If an inside tender is not used, both divers will carefully monitor
each other in addition to being closely observed by topside personnel.
Compress on air to 50 fsw at a maximum compression rate of 100 fsw/min and
place the diver on 100 percent oxygen by mask. The mask will be strapped on
both divers to ensure a good oxygen seal.