CHAPTER 13 Mixed Gas Operational Planning
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Mixed Gas Operational Planning
Purpose. This chapter discusses the planning associated with mixed gas diving
operations. Most of the provisions in Chapter 6, Operations Planning, also apply to
mixed gas operations and should be reviewed for planning. In planning any mixed
gas operation, the principles and techniques presented in this chapter shall be
Scope. This chapter outlines a comprehensive planning process that may be used
in whole or in part to effectively plan and execute diving operations in support of
military operations.
Additional Sources of Information. This chapter is not the only source of infor-
mation available to the diving team when planning mixed gas diving operations.
Operation and maintenance manuals for the diving equipment, intelligence
reports, and oceanographic studies all contain valuable planning information. The
nature of the operation will dictate the procedures to be employed and the plan-
ning and preparations required for each. While it is unlikely that even the best
planned operation can ever anticipate all possible contingencies, attention to detail
in planning will minimize complications that could threaten the success of a
Complexity of Mixed Gas Diving. Mixed gas diving operations are complex,
requiring constant support and close coordination among all personnel. Due to
extended decompression obligations, mixed gas diving can be hazardous if not
properly planned and executed. Seemingly minor problems can quickly escalate
into emergency situations, leaving limited time to research dive protocols or oper-
ational orders to resolve the situation. Each member of the diving team must be
qualified on his watch station and be thoroughly competent in executing appli-
cable operating and emergency procedures. Safety is important in any diving
operation and must become an integral part of all operations planning.
Medical Considerations. The Diving Officer, Master Diver, and Diving Super-
visor must plan the operation to safeguard the physical and mental well being of
each diver. All members of the team must thoroughly understand the medical
aspects of mixed gas, oxygen, and saturation diving. A valuable source of guid-
ance in operations planning is the Diving Medical Officer (DMO), a physician
trained specifically in diving medicine and physiology.
Mixed gas diving entails additional risks and procedural requirements for the diver
and the support team. At the surface, breathing a medium other than air causes
physiological changes in the body. When a diver breathes an unusual medium
under increased pressure, additional alterations in the functioning of the mind and
body may occur. Each diver must be aware of the changes that can occur and how