CHAPTER 8 Surface Supplied Air Diving Operations
C H A P T E R 8
Surface Supplied Air
Diving Operations
Purpose. Surface supplied air diving includes those forms of diving where air is
supplied from the surface to the diver by a flexible hose. The Navy Surface
Supplied Diving Systems (SSDS) are used primarily for operations to 190 feet of
seawater (fsw).
Scope. This chapter identifies the required equipment and procedures for using
the UBA MK 21 MOD 1 and the UBA MK 20 MOD 0 surface supplied diving
MK 21 MOD 1
The MK 21 MOD 1 is an open cir-
cuit, demand, diving helmet (Figure
8-1). The maximum working depth
for air diving operations using the
MK 21 MOD 1 system is 190 fsw.
The MK 21 MOD 1 system may be
used up to 60 fsw without an Emer-
gency Gas Supply (EGS). An EGS is
mandatory at depths deeper than 60
fsw and when diving inside a wreck
or enclosed space. The Diving Super-
visor may elect to use an EGS that
can be man-carried or located outside
the wreck or enclosed space and con-
nected to the diver with a 50 to 150
foot whip. Planned air dives below
190 fsw require CNO approval.
Operation and Maintenance. The technical manual for the MK 21 MOD 1 is
NAVSEA S6560-AG-OMP-010, Technical Manual, Operation and Maintenance
Instructions, Underwater Breathing Apparatus MK 21 MOD 1 Surface Supported
Diving System. To ensure safe and reliable service, the MK 21 MOD 1 system
must be maintained and repaired in accordance with PMS procedures and the MK
21 MOD 1 operation and maintenance manual.
Air Supply. Air for the MK 21 MOD 1 system is supplied from the surface by
either an air compressor or a bank of high pressure air flasks as described in para-
graph 8-7.2.3.
Figure 8-1. MK 21 MOD 1 SSDS.