TM 5-4220-231-14&P
1-2 Change 7
5) Deck and Interconnecting Hoses, High Pressure, and Low Pressure. HP deck hoses are used to
connect the HP compressor to the DASS, and the DASS to the DACC and CRS. HP hoses are also used to
interconnect between flask racks. LP deck hoses are used to connect the LP compressors to the DACC and
CRS, and the DACC to the volume tank. LP hoses are also used to connect the CRS to the recompression
c. Model Numbers and Equipment Names. Provided in Table 1-1 is a list of SDASS equipment, other accessory
equipment, and diving equipment sets with the model numbers required for use with the SDASS.
d. Special Limitations on Equipment. The following statements depict operating and maintenance limitations or
restrictions applicable to the SDASS.
1) Contamination Criteria Requirements. The SDASS is capable of surviving limited nuclear, biological,
and chemical contamination, and the subsequent decontamination. Divers must manipulate the
equipment/materials of the system with gloved hands after contamination by agents and subsequent deliberate
decontamination. After an agent residence of 1 hour, followed by deliberate decontamination, the topside
personnel (Military Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) level 0) within 1 meter of the SDASS will not suffer more
than negligible risk (5 percent mild incapacitation) over a 12-hour period. During operation of the SDASS, using
the DASS, divers in the water will not suffer any adverse effects from the chemical contamination or
decontamination of the SDASS. The operation of the SDASS with the LP or HP compressor in a chemical
environment may result in death or incapacitation.
2) Equipment Interface Requirements. The SDASS is capable of interfacing with all Army diving air
supply systems, recompression chambers, diving umbilicals, and helmets (Superlite 17B, MK 1, and MK 12).
1-2 Maintenance Forms and Procedures. Department of the Army forms and procedures used for equipment
maintenance will be those prescribed by DA Pam 738-750. The Army Maintenance Management System
(TAMMS). Additionally, reentry control logs and reports must be completed in accordance with (IAW) Chapter 3
Section VI.
1-3 Destruction to Prevent Enemy Use. Refer to TM 750-244-2 and TM 750-244-3 for instructions covering
destruction of Army material to prevent enemy use.
1-4 Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIRs). If your SDASS needs improvement, let us
know. Send us an EIR. You, the user, are the only one who can tell us what you do not like about your
equipment. Let use know why you do not like the design or performance. Submit an SF 368 (Product Quality
Deficiency Report) to this address: Director, Armament and Chemical Acquisition and Logistic Activity (ACALA),
ATTN: AMSTA-AC-NML, Rock Island, IL 61299-7630. (E-mail: We will
send you a reply.