TM 5-4220-226-14&P
(5) A pressure test shall be performed to verify there are no leaks and the correct fittings have been installed in
the system.
4-33. Pre-cleaning of Components or Piping.
Upon receipt of new components not cleaned or components and pipe removed from the system for
cleaning, the item shall be pre-cleaned. Doing this shall prepare the component for final cleaning. Pre-
cleaning will be accomplished in an area separate from the clean area. The pre-cleaning will include, but is not
limited to, the following:
All wrapping shall be removed.
Loose paint, rust, brackets, panels, tags, supports, and other items shall be removed.
If hydrocarbons and/or other contaminants are known to have been introduced into the component or
piping, a thorough degreasing procedure shall be initiated. Trisodium phosphate (TSP) or nonionic detergent
(NID) may be used.
Visually inspect the pre-cleaned articles under a bright light to ensure that all gross contamination has
been removed.
Bag all components and ends of pipe with plastic to await cleaning.
4-34. Cleaning Method - Nonionic Detergent.
General. This method outlines the cleaning procedures for oil-free cleaning of metallic/nonmetallic
components or assemblies using nonionic detergent. This procedure is only to be used if there is no equipment
available to conduct the TSP cleaning method.
Cleaning Components or Assemblies (excluding hose assemblies).
Chemical protective gloves should be worn to prevent skin
irritation from detergent and hot water.
(1) Disassemble components down to the smallest parts. Separate soft goods and clean as specified in
paragraph 4-36.
(2) Clean each component by scrubbing with a nonionic detergent solution (1/2 teaspoon (2.4 ml)
detergent to 1 gallon (3.8 I) water) using a nylon bristle brush and clean cloths.
(3) Rinse with distilled water at 125°F (54°C) until effluent shows no visible signs of detergent.
(4) Collect some of the water rinsed over the items in a flask that can be fitted with a rubber stopper.
Shake the flask for a few seconds and if any bubbles form and remain on the surface of the water in
the flask, continue to rinse item until no bubbles form and remain in the sample flask.
(5) Purge with dry, oil-free nitrogen until visually dry, or allow to air dry. The following dated and signed
records shall be maintained.