TM 5-4220-225-14
Table 2-6. Doffing Procedures (Cont).
Ensure the air supply valve is open slightly and the
exhaust valve is fully open before placing the helmet
on the diver.
a. Carefully place the helmet over the diver's head and press firmly into
place. Lock the pins securely.
b. Fasten umbilical spinnaker-type shackel to harness V-ring.
c. Perform communication check with topside and partner, if applicable.
2-18. Postdrive Procedures. The procedural steps required for systematic accomplishment of postdive actions are
separated into two procedures and presented in Table 2-7, Postdive Procedures. Daily Postdive Procedures, addresses
those steps required for proper equipment care and repair at the end of a diving day, and Mission Postdive Procedures,
emphasizes procedures required less frequently than daily but must be accomplished with an assured regularity to
preclude equipment failure. Mission postdive procedures are to be performed at the end of a dive sequence (mission) or
once a week, whichever occurs first. Mission postdive procedures must include all postdive procedural steps, both daily
and mission requirements, to ensure completeness of equipment preparation before further usage or stowage. All items
and steps must be accomplished upon mission completion. The dive supervisor may deem it necessary to perform some
daily or mission procedure steps more frequently. The table must be considered only as guides to minimum
requirements, not as all-inclusive.
Table 2-7. Postdive Procedures.
Report any discrepancies to the diver supervisor.
a. Clean the helmet interior with an approved cleaning agent. The major
cleaning points are:
Chin button
Area surrounding the microphone
Front viewport
Air supply diffuser and ear clearing pad
Front helmet base interior