(16) Place the filter assembly spring (9) on top of the spring block assembly (10, 11, and 12).
(17) Drop spring (13), spring block (10), spring (9). and filter (6) into body (15).
(16) On P/N 1088-60. place the yoke (6) on the regulator body (15). Position and tighten the yoke retainer
(5) until there is evidence of pressure. On P/N 1077-00, install the yoke retainer ring (31) on the regu-
lator body (15) using circlip pliers.
(19) With a 1 inch open end wrench, straddle one leg of the yoke (6) and tighten the yoke retainer (5) se-
(20) Install the cap assembly O-Ring (4) in the cap assembly to the yoke by encircling one leg of the yoke
with the strings and passing the cap through the strings.
(21) On the hose (fig. 4-2) (26) that connects the first and second stage regulator install O-Ring (24) on
connector (25). Install O-Ring (fig. 4-6) (7) on connector (6), if the tank pressure gauge is used. If
the pressure gauge is not used install the O-Ring (fig. 4-1) (16) on the tank plug screw (17).
(22) Attach hose (5) of the tank pressure gauge or the plug screw (17) to the female connector located
above the letters HP, and tighten securely.
(23) Install hose (fig. 4-2) (26) with the second stage regulator attached, to the low pressure female con-
nector of the regulator body (fig. 4-1) (15) and tighten securely.
(24) Remove the first stage regulator from the vise.
Proceed with the first stage regulator adjustment (para c below).
(25) Position the first stage regulator in a soft jaw vise so the spring retainer (fig. 4-1) (26) is pointing up-
ward. Tighten the vise jaws securely against the flat sections of the spring retainer.
(26) Install the secondary diaphragm (26) in the spring retainer (26) with the center tip pointing upward.
(27) Install retainer ring (29) on the spring retainer (26). Using a two prong spanner wrench, tighten the
retainer ring (29) securely.
(26) Install the plug screw (16) into the auxiliary low pressure female connector.
(29) Remove the first stage regulator from the vise.
(30) Place the yoke knob (2) onto the yoke (6) and tighten three or four turns so that it seats in the pointed
end of the cap assembly (3).
(31) Reconnect major components and conduct an operational check in accordance with steps 2 and 4 of
the Weekly Prevention Maintenance Checklist Table 3-1.
First Stage Regulator Adjustment.
Do not connect the pressure test gauge P/N 1116-00 to the H.P. Port as possible
injury could occur to personnel and/or the equipment could be damaged.
Install the pressure test gauge (part 111600) to the auxiliary intermediate pressure female connec-
Attach the first stage regulator to a 2500 50 PSIG air supply and ensure the filter assembly is point-
ing downward.
Open the bleeder screw on the pressure test gauge (Part 111600).
Turn on the air supply. After the flow of air begins, slowly close the pressure test gauge bleeder screw.
The test gauge needle should indicate 130 5 PSIG.