5-10 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 1
The Failure Analysis Report (FAR) system provides the means for reporting,
tracking and resolving material failures or deficiencies in diving life-support
equipment (DLSE). The FAR was developed to provide a rapid response to DLSE
failures or deficiencies. It is sent directly to the configuration manager, engineers,
and technicians who are qualified to resolve the deficiency. FAR Form 10560/4
(stock number 0116-LF-105-6020) covers all DLSE not already addressed by
other FARs or reporting systems. For example, the MK 21 MOD 1, MK 20 MOD
0 mask, and all open-circuit scuba are reportable on this FAR form; the UBAs MK
16 and MK 25 are reportable on a FAR or a Failure Analysis or Inadequacy Report
(FAIR) in accordance with their respective technical manuals. When an equipment
failure or deficiency is discovered, the Diving Supervisor or other responsible
person shall ensure that the FAR is properly prepared and distributed. Refer to
paragraph 5-10 for additional reporting requirements for an equipment failure
suspected as the cause of a diving accident.
The one-page FAR form (Figure 5-3) consists of an original and three copies. The
completed original is maintained in the Command FAR Log; the copies are mailed
to CSS (Code 2510), NAVSEA (Code 00C3) and NEDU (Code 03).
An electronic version of the FAR form is also available on-line at http://
www.supsalv.org. Click on Diving or OOC3 Diving. When the next screen
appears, click on Failure Analysis Reporting. Follow the instructions and submit
the form.
The Dive Reporting System (DRS) is a computer-based method of recording and
reporting dives required by the OPNAVINST 3150.27 (series), and replaces
reporting on DD Form 2544. The computer software provides all diving
commands with a computerized record of dives.
The DRS makes it easy for commands to submit diving data to the Naval Safety
Center. The computer software allows users to enter dive data, transfer data to the
Naval Safety Center, and to generate individual diver and command reports. The
DRS was designed for all branches of the U.S. Armed Services and can be
obtained through:
Commander, Naval Safety Center
Attention: Code 37
375 A Street
Norfolk, VA 23511-4399