CHAPTER 17 Closed-Circuit Mixed-Gas UBA Diving
Change A 17-15
Distance Line. Any buddy line over 10 feet (3 meters) in length is referred to as a
distance line. The length of the distance line shall not exceed 81 feet (25 meters).
Distance lines shall be securely attached to both divers.
Standby Diver. When appropriate during training and non-influence diving opera-
tions, open circuit scuba may be used to a maximum depth of 130 fsw.
Lines. Diver marker lines shall be manufactured from any light line that is
buoyant and easily marked as directed in paragraph 17-4.2.4 (one-quarter inch
polypropylene is quite suitable).
Marking of Lines. Lines used for controlling the depth of the diver(s) for decom-
pression diving shall be marked. This includes tending lines, marker lines, and
lazy-shot lines. Lines shall be marked with red and yellow or black bands starting
at the diver(s) or clump end. Red bands will indicate 50 feet and yellow or black
bands will mark every 10 feet.
Diver Marker Buoy. Diver marker buoys will be constructed to provide adequate
visual reference to monitor the divers location. Additionally, the amount of line
will be of sufficient length for the planned dive profile.
Depth Gauge/Wrist Watch. A single depth gauge and wrist watch may be used
when diving with a partner and using a distance line.
Recompression Chamber Considerations. A recompression chamber and a
Diving Medical Officer are not required on station (on station is defined as at the
dive location) as prerequisites for closed-circuit UBA diving operations, unless the
dive(s) will exceed the maximum working limit. However, the following items
should be determined prior to beginning diving operations:
Location of the nearest functional recompression chamber. Positive confirma-
tion of the chambers availability in case of emergency should be obtained.
Location of the nearest available Diving Medical Officer if not at the nearest
recompression chamber.
Location of the nearest medical facility for treatment of injuries and medical
problems not requiring recompression therapy.
The optimal method of transportation to the treatment chamber or medical
facility. If coordination with other units for aircraft/boat/vehicle support is
necessary, the Diving Supervisor shall know the telephone numbers and points
of contact necessary to make these facilities available as quickly as possible in
case of emergency. A medical evacuation plan should be included in the Div-
ing Supervisor brief. Preparing an emergency assistance checklist similar to
that in Chapter 6 is recommended.
Diving Procedures for MK 16.