CHAPTER 17 Closed-Circuit Mixed-Gas UBA Diving
Change A 17-9
Units requiring a deep operational capability should allow frequent opportunity
for training, ensuring diver familiarity with equipment and procedures. Workup
dives are strongly recommended prior to diving at depths greater than 130
fsw. MK 16 diver qualifications may be obtained only by completion of the MK
16 Basic Course (A-431-0075) or the Naval Special Warfare Center MK 16 quali-
fications course. MK 16 qualifications remain in effect as long as diver
qualifications are maintained in accordance with Military Personnel Manual
article 1410380. However, a diver who has not made a MK 16 dive in the previous
six months must refamiliarize himself with MK 16 EPs and OPs and must
complete a MK 16 training dive prior to making a MK 16 operational dive. Prior
to conducting MK 16 decompression diving, a diver who has not conducted a
MK 16 decompression dive within the previous six months must complete open
water decompression training dives. Refer to Table 17-1 for the personnel require-
ments for MK 16 diving operations.
Operating Limitations. Using combat swimmer multilevel dive (CSMD) proce-
dures provides SPECWAR divers with the option of conducting multiple-depth
diving with the MK 16 UBA to a depth of 70 fsw (NEDU Report 13-83).
However, the CSMD procedures may be used for dives between 70 and 110 fsw
by adding 10 fsw, to the depth when entering the table. Refer to Table 17-2 for
equipment depth limitations. Diving Supervisors must also consider the limiting
factors presented in the following paragraphs when planning closed-circuit UBA
Figure 17-4. Underwater Breathing Apparatus MK 16 MOD 0.