CHAPTER 14 Surface Supplied Mixed Gas Diving Procedures
Change A 14-19
Decompression Sickness During the Surface Interval. If symptoms of Type I
decompression sickness occur during travel from 40 fsw to the surface during
surface decompression or during the surface undress phase, compress the diver to
50 fsw following normal surface decompression procedures. Delay neurological
exam until divers reach their 50 fsw stop and are on oxygen. If Type 1 symptoms
resolve during the 15 minute 50 fsw stop and no neurological signs are found,
continue normal decompression for the schedule of the dive. If symptoms do not
resolve during the 15 minute 50 fsw stop or any neurological symptoms are
present, compress divers to 60 fsw on oxygen and follow guidelines for treatment
of decompression sickness outlined in Chapter 21 of Volume 5.
If symptoms of Type II decompression sickness occur during travel from 40 fsw to
the surface, during the surface undress phase or the neurological exam at 50 fsw is
abnormal, compress the diver to 60 fsw and follow guidelines for treatment of
decompression sickness outlined in Chapter 21 of Volume 5.
Chapter 5 provides information for maintaining a Command Diving Log and
personal diving log and for reporting individual dives to the Naval Safety Center.
In addition to these records, every Navy HeO2 dive shall be recorded on a HeO2
diving chart similar to Figure 14-1. The HeO2 diving chart is a convenient means
of collecting the dive data, which in turn will be transcribed in the dive log. It is
also useful in completing a mishap report for a diving related accident.
Charting an HeO2Dive. Figure 14-1 is a blank HeO2 Diving Chart. Figure 14-2 is
an example of a Surface Decompression dive. Figure 14-3 is an example of an In-
water Decompression dive. Figure 14-4 is an example of a Surface Decompression
dive with a hold on descent and delay on ascent.
When logging times on an HeO2 diving chart, times will be recorded in a minute
and second format. Clock time, however, will be logged in hours and minutes. The
following rounding rules are used when calculating clock time:
All ascent times are rounded up to the next whole minute.
All stop times are rounded to the nearest whole minute. Round down for 1 to
30 seconds and round up from 31 to 59 seconds.