9-12 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 2
Locate the dive depth in the Depth column. Because there is no entry for
154 (152 +2) fsw, round the depth up to the next greater depth of 160 fsw.
Move vertically across the table to locate the no-decompression limit in
the Unlimited/No-Decompression Limits column. The no-decompression
limit is 5 minutes. To avoid having to make decompression stops, the
divers must descend to 152 fsw, make the inspection and begin ascent
within 5 minutes of leaving the surface.
To find the repetitive group designation, follow the 160-fsw entry to the
right to the 5-minute bottom time entry and then follow it vertically to the
top of the column. This shows the repetitive group designation to be D.
Using the Standard Air Decompression Table.
Locate the schedule for the dive depth. Because there is no schedule for
154 (152 +2) fsw, round the depth up to the next greater depth of 160 fsw.
Follow the 5-minute bottom time row all the way horizontally to the right.
There is a 0 listed in the decompression stops column and D is depicted
in the Repetitive Group column.
Figure 9-5 is a diving chart for this dive.
This manual combines the Standard Air Decompression Schedules and Excep-
tional Exposure Air Schedules into one table (see Table 9-5). To clearly
distinguish between the standard (normal) and exceptional exposure decompres-
sion schedules, the exceptional exposure schedules have been separated by a bold
The Commanding Officer must have CNO approval to conduct planned
exceptional exposure dives.
If the bottom time of a dive is less than the first bottom time listed for its depth,
decompression is not required. The divers may ascend directly to the surface at a
rate of 30 feet per minute (fpm). The repetitive group designation for a no-decom-
pression dive is given in the Unlimited/No-Decompression Table. As noted in the
Standard Air Decompression Table, there are no repetitive group designations for
exceptional exposure dives. Repetitive dives are not permitted following an excep-
tional exposure dive.
Example. Divers complete a salvage dive to a depth of 140 fsw for 37 minutes.
They were not unusually cold or fatigued during the dive. Determine the decom-
pression schedule and the repetitive group designation at the end of the