8-26 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 2
The predive activities for a surface-supplied diving operation involve many people
and include inspecting and assembling the equipment, activating the air supply
systems, and dressing the divers.
Predive Checklist. A comprehensive predive checklist is developed to suit the
requirements of the diving unit and of the particular operation. This is in addition
to the general Diver Safety and Planning Checklist (Figure 6-19a) and suggested
Predive Checklist (Figure 6-21a).
Diving Station Preparation. The diving station is neatly organized with all diving
and support equipment placed in an assigned location. Deck space must not be
cluttered with gear; items that could be damaged are placed out of the way (prefer-
ably off the deck). A standard layout pattern should be established and followed.
Air Supply Preparation. The primary and secondary air supply systems are
checked to ensure that adequate air is available. Air compressors of the divers air
system are started and checked for proper operation. The pressure in the accumu-
lator tanks is checked. If HP air cylinders are being used, the manifold pressure is
checked. If a compressor is being used as a secondary air supply, it is started and
kept running throughout the dive. The air supply must meet purity standards (see
paragraph 8-7.1.1).
Line Preparation. Depth soundings are taken and descent line, stage, stage lines,
and connections are checked, with decompression stops properly marked.
Recompression Chamber Inspection and Preparation. If available, the recom-
pression chamber is inspected and all necessary equipment and a copy of
appropriate recompression treatment tables are placed on hand at the chamber.
Two stop watches and the decompression tables are also required. Adequate air
supply for immediate pressurization of the chamber is verified and the oxygen
supply system is charged and made ready for operation in accordance with
Chapter 22.
Predive Inspection. When the Diving Supervisor is satisfied that all equipment is
on station and in good operating condition, the next step is to dress the divers.
Donning Gear. Dressing the divers is the responsibility of the tender.
Diving Supervisor Predive Checklist. The Diving Supervisor must always use a
predive checklist prior to putting divers in the water. This checklist must be
tailored by the unit to the specific equipment and systems being used. Chapter 6
contains typical predive checklists for surface-supplied equipment. Refer to the
appropriate operations and maintenance manual for detailed checklists for specific