7-4 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 2
system provides guidance for repairing and maintaining scuba regulators, the
manufacturers service manual should be followed for specific procedures.
Full Face Mask. The AGA/Divator full face mask may be used with an approved
single-hose first-stage regulator with an octopus, to the maximum approved depth
of the regulator, as indicated in the NAVSEA/00C ANU list (Figure 7-2).
Mouthpiece. The size and design of scuba mouthpieces differ between manufac-
turers, but each mouthpiece provides relatively watertight passageways for
delivering breathing air into the divers mouth. The mouthpiece should fit
comfortably with slight pressure from the lips.
Octopus. An octopus is an additional single hose second stage regulator
connected to the divers first stage regulator and may be used in case the divers
primary second stage regulator fails or for buddy breathing. The octopus must be
an ANU approved second stage regulator. Hose length and designation markings
are at the discretion of the diving supervisor. An octopus is mandatory for all
SCUBA divers. Use of an octopus is the preferred method to accomplish buddy
breathing (see paragraph 7-7.7). During predive inspection, the diver shall breathe
the octopus to ensure it is working properly.
Cylinders. Scuba cylinders (tanks or bottles) are designed to hold high pressure
compressed air. Because of the extreme stresses imposed on a cylinder at these
pressures, all cylinders used in scuba diving must be inspected and tested periodi-
cally. Seamless steel or aluminum cylinders which meet Department of
Transportation (DOT) specifications (DOT 3AA, DOT 3AL, DOT SP6498, and
DOT E6498) are approved for Navy use. Each cylinder used in Navy operations
must have identification symbols stamped into the shoulder (Figure 7-3).
Figure 7-2. Full Face Mask.