6-32 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 2
Master Diver.
Master Diver Responsibilities. The Master Diver is the most qualified person to
supervise air and mixed-gas dives (using scuba and surface-supplied diving equip-
ment) and recompression treatments (Figure 6-17). He is directly responsible to
the Commanding Officer, via the Diving Officer, for the safe conduct of all phases
of diving operations. The Master Diver manages preventive and corrective mainte-
nance on diving equipment, support systems, salvage machinery, handling sys-
tems, and submarine rescue equipment. Training and requalification of divers
attached to the command is conducted by the Master Diver, who also ensures that
divers are trained in emergency procedures. The Master Diver recommends to the
Commanding Officer, via the Diving Officer, which enlisted divers are qualified
to serve as Diving Supervisors. The Master Diver oversees the efforts of the Div-
ing Supervisor and provides advice and technical expertise. If circumstances war-
rant, the Master Diver shall relieve the Diving Supervisor and assume control of
the dive station. In the absence of a Diving Officer, the Master Diver can assume
the duties and responsibilities of the Diving Officer.
Master Diver Qualifications. The
Master Diver has completed Master
Diver evaluation course (CIN A-433-
0019) successfully and is proficient in
the operation of Navy-approved under-
water breathing equipment, support
systems, and recompression chambers.
He is also trained in diagnosing and
treating diving injuries and illnesses.
The Master Diver is thoroughly
familiar with operating and emergency
procedures for diving systems, and
possesses a working knowledge of gas
mixing and analysis, computations,
salvage theory and methods, subma-
rine rescue procedures, towing, and
underwater ship husbandry. The Master
Diver shall possess a comprehensive
knowledge of the scope and application
of all Naval instructions and publica-
tions pertaining to diving, and shall
ensure that logs and reports are main-
tained and submitted as required.
Diving Supervisor. While the Master Diver is in charge of the overall diving
operation, the Diving Supervisor is in charge of the actual diving operation for a
particular dive or series of dives. Diving operations shall not be conducted without
the presence of the Diving Supervisor.
Figure 6-17. Master Diver Supervising
Recompression Treatment.