6-22 Change A
U.S. Navy Diving ManualVolume 2
Divers working within 15 feet of active systems must wear a full dry suit,
unisuit, or wet suit with hood and gloves.
All other underwater electrical equipment shall be secured while divers are
working over the side.
Explosions. Explosions may be set off in demolition tasks intentionally, acciden-
tally, or as the result of enemy action. When working with or near explosives, the
procedures outlined in SWO 60-AA-MMA-010 shall be followed. Divers should
stay clear of old or damaged munitions. Divers should get out of the water when
an explosion is imminent.
Welding or cutting torches may cause an explosion on penetration of
gas-filled compartments, resulting in serious injury or death.
Sonar. Appendix 1A provides guidance regarding safe diving distances and expo-
sure times for divers operating in the vicinity of ships transmitting with sonar. This
appendix has been substantially revised from Safe Diving Distances from Trans-
mitting Sonar (NAVSEAINST 3150.2A) and should be read in its entirety.
Nuclear Radiation. Radiation may be encountered as the result of an accident,
proximity to weapons or propulsion systems, weapons testing, or occasionally
natural conditions. Radiation exposure can cause serious injury and illness. Safe
tolerance levels have been set and shall not be exceeded. These levels may be
found in the Radiological Control Manual, NAVSEA 0389-LP-660-6542. Local
instructions may be more stringent and in such case shall be followed. Prior to
diving, all dive team members shall be thoroughly knowledgeable of the local/
command radiological control requirements. All divers shall have a Thermal
Luminescence Dosimeter (TLD) or similar device and be apprised of the locations
of items such as the reactor compartment, discharges, etc.
Marine Life. Certain marine life, because of its aggressive or venomous nature,
may be dangerous to man. Some species of marine life are extremely dangerous,
while some are merely an uncomfortable annoyance. Most dangers from marine
life are largely overrated because most underwater animals leave man alone. All
divers should be able to identify the dangerous species that are likely to be found
in the area of operation and should know how to deal with each. Refer to
Appendix 5C for specific information about dangerous marine life, including iden-
tification factors, dangerous characteristics, injury prevention, and treatment
Vessel and Small Boat Traffic. The presence of other ships is often a serious
problem. It may be necessary to close off an area or limit the movement of other
ships. A local Notice to Mariners should be issued. At any time that diving opera-
tions are to be conducted in the vicinity of other ships, they shall be properly
notified by International Code signal flags (Figure 6-12). An operation may have
to be conducted in an area with many small boats operated by people with varied
levels of seamanship and knowledge of Nautical Rules of the Road. The diving
team should assume that these operators are not acquainted with diving signals