CHAPTER 6 Operational Planning
Underwater Construction. Underwater construction is the construction, inspec-
tion, repair, and removal of in-water facilities in support of military operations. An
in-water facility can be defined as a fixed harbor, waterfront, or ocean structure
located in or near the ocean. Pipelines, cables, sensor systems, and fixed/
advanced-base structures are examples of in-water facilities (Figure 6-4).
Diver Training and Qualification Requirements. Seabee divers are specifically
trained in the special techniques used to accomplish underwater construction
Equipment Requirements. Tools and equipment used include common under-
water tools in addition to specialized ocean construction equipment. Specific tools
and components for large ocean engineering projects are maintained in the Ocean
Construction Equipment Inventory (OCEI) located at St. Julian Creek, Norfolk,
Underwater Construction Planning Resources. References for underwater con-
struction planning can be found in:
UCT Conventional Inspection and Repair Techniques Manual NAVFAC
Expedient Underwater Repair Techniques NAVFAC P-991
Figure 6-3. Explosive Ordnance Disposal Diving. An EOD diver using handheld sonar to
locate objects underwater.